This is what I was looking forward the whole week! Getting my blood tested. HAHA. It was so exciting. Getting my finger poked and oozing blood to let the machine test. Here is the step by step action:
The ever fabulous Mdm Kalpana (hope the spelling is right). As you can see at the bottom left (the red circle), she is holding onto the 'stapler'. It punctures your finger. So nervous la. But it doesn't hurt =D. She is so cute la. Waving me away, trying not to get her picture taken.

But to no avail. HAHA. I got a picture after all =D! Look at her getting blood from my 'models'. And model number 1 is weeluan. =)

Next model is Sherrilyn. The ever crazy-going girl who takes too much coffee. LOL. Why didn't the machine read that? =XXX

OOOOOOOPSS! The rest of my models are...I don't remember. But no worries, your pictures are copyrighted. Acknowledgment will be given when you claim them =X jkjkjk

And finally, Mdm Kalpana releases the blood from the capillary tube onto the strip (which by the way cost $6 and we used two so we spent $12. MUST NOT LOSE OUT! Eh, we pay $2600 a year hor! *shows uncle face*). And then the clever machine analyze the blood.

And finally, the blood is analyzed and I had a free plaster. hehe. My finger after the test.

Next, we had some protein testing to do. And below is the nicest colour of all the tubes. And guess what? It was done by me la! HAHA. Not shameless hor! HAHA. The rest are all the protein tests.

And last but not least...GROUP PHOTOS! Why we took them? This is the last PBPN lab. Isn't that sad. okay winston, you don't have to get emotional. =X! So here we are. Vanessa, Sherrilyn, Daphne and me! Missing out on Qing xiu (Sarah =X) as she is the photographer.

The above two is with SARAH! HAHA. anyway, to my lab partners/members, you guys ROCK! DUH! winston in there ma. HAHAHAHAA. okays. Tonight I am off to drink!!! =DDD
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