Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's over.

Today: 31 Jan 2008. It was the deadline for 2 of our projects.

To many emotions and on-going happenings could be the cause for my sudden breakdown today. I really didn't know what happened. Everything is still a blur...

But I know that partly the reason was due to the projects. I did a lousy job and the time to hand in was 9am. And at 9am was my quiz which I haven't even studied for. Suddenly, I fell silent and that silence consumed me. Before I knew it, tears were rolling down my eyes. I wipe my tears away but they roll down my cheeks. Please stop crying. It is so embarrassing. And you have a quiz to concentrate. Stop crying. Eventually, I paused with only one or two pearls gliding down.

If my group projects don't get a good mark due to late submission, I will never forgive myself. I just felt that I did such slipshod work. Everything I done was a mess. I felt like such a failure. The reason why I finished my part at the last minute was because of my sorry excuse for being tired. I fell asleep while attempting to do. To all my group members, I am sorry.

At the moment I am just glad that it's over.

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