Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Sunday, June 15, 2008


A little indulgence goes a long long way. Chocolate. The perfect ingredient. What would I do without it? Then I ask myself another question: What would I do without alcohol? =X
Moving on...
So today, not that I have nothing to do (but don't get me started =p), I made Chocolate Muffins =D. YUMmmm.
Dry ingredients: 1 & 3/4 cups of flour and sugar (though I used slightly lesser), 2tbsps cocoa, 2tsps baking powder with 1/2 tsp baking soda/bicarb and most importantly, 1 cup of chocolate chips =D
Wet ingredients: 1 cup milk, 1 large egg, 1/3 cup vege oil (corn/sunflower/melted butter is good though =p) and 1 tsp of vanilla extract (NOT essence BUT you can use that if you want).

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 180°C and continue with mis en place.

Placing these paper cups is part of the mise en place =D.

Step 2: First, is to gather the dry ingredients. Add flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder & soda in a bowl.

AND...finally, the chips =D.

Step 3: MIX!

Step 4: This step is to mix the wet ingredients. Pour the milk, oil/butter, vanilla essence and break an egg.

Step 5: MIX...again!

Step 6: Add wet mixture to dry mixture like so.

Step 7: MIX...yet again =X.

The batter will look like this. Nice earth tone colour.

Step 8: The clumsy part; filling the cases.

TIP: drop a few chips on the top of the batter (in the cases).

Step 9: Place in the oven for about 20 minutes there about and...TA-DA!

Don't you think it just look so tempting. I was which was why I finished 3 at one sitting. =X

In need of chocolate to de-stress. 2nd attempt at Choco cheesecake for daddy whose b'day is next sunday. And since today is father's day, HAPPY FATHERS' DAY! =D

I know I quarrel with you alot. I know I mess up my room. I know that sometimes I don't understand what you want etc. But apart from all these...
I know that you spent time cleaning the house
I know that you love the family a lot.
I know that whatever naggings are for my own good, not yours etc.
Which is why I love you for all those things you done for me.
Happy Daddys' Day!

Love wins.

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