Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Saturday, June 24, 2006

first entry

wow, with the latest updates and stuff of improvments for blogspot, i seriously needed help. And thanks to yitian i was able to finally put up my blog. this is supposely my first entry. actually, i started this blog much earlier with only one entry but i didnt like that particular entry therefore it has been deleted. gosh. i had soooooo much to talk about and right now i am actually thinking about what to write. oh ya. why my blog name is shakesbuttandfarts. lolz! i admit it. i am a farter. i mean come on, who can admit that they have never farted in their whole damn life. i doubt it but if there is, gosh, walking gas bomb! lolz. haven't you ever had that one time when you were out with ya friends and you seriously needed to fart, what did you do? did you do the 'silent but violent' or the 'loud but proud' one. guess you dunno what that two means right. 'silent but violent' means that you fart without sound but whoa, the smell is horrendous. 'loud but proud' means that you do it loud(ppppppppphhhhhhhhhooooooooootttt!!) but it doesn't smell that bad. lolz! now, after reading so much, do you feel what i am saying is kinda gross? well, till next time, that's all folks!