Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


OMG! Today was like the last AdFS (basically is about food science) Lab is over. Kinda sad cause Lab can be fun (with me la =X) yet kinda happy because I really HATE the nonsense we do during Lab.

Anyway, today's Lab was on texture. The firmness and springiness of different types of bread. The types include, fresh, stale (expired after 1 day), refrigerated and frozen (then thawed). We had to taste them and analyze them but for the machine used, I have no pictures. Why? Dr Lee was there. Didn't know about his attitude towards using mobile phones in class which was why I didn't dare take the risk.

So lo and behold for the nonsensical pictures =p

the sensory evaluation room

doesn't the bread look nice =D

Secret shot of FPP (Food Pilot Plant)

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