Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


gosh. it took me a while before i was able to get a com to use. most of the time, i just plonk my arse down at an empty seat and login but today was different. someone book the com and i had to resort to booking. however, i didn't know that the mouse of the com that i booked was spoilt so i had to resort to using the keyboard. however, lady luck was smiling at me today and after five mins, the com infront of me was available for use. now it is so exciting, while typing my blog i am chatting with my friends on msn when they are near me. lolz. gosh, a cuttie just walk by. ain't that hot! lolz. sighs. that cutie with someone else has walked away. anyway, back to topic. actually what is the topic. oh ya, about how i managed to get a place to use the com. anyway, now that i have gotten a place, i have no idea what to type. oh, about yesterday's practise. it was quite fun learning 'the entertainer'. it was quite fun. however, now that i got back the score, i have to practise it at home. sighs. so much things to do - CSAS research project presentation and to prepare for lots of the quizzes that are coming soon. arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
anyway, now chatting on msn with non sense. hahaha. keep copying ppl's nick then pretend to be them. funny right. lolz

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