Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I am currently in school. just finished my M&S1 tutorial. In the library. have no idea what to do. so i decided to type a post considering i didnt type one last night. I was 'burning mid-night oil' last night. suppose to complete my stuff like maths and OBC. in end, although i did manage to do some work, i still idle my way through. i just couldnt sleep. guess i slept too much during the afternoon. today is CO day and i have to stay in school. you see, i end at 3 today and CO starts at 6.30. that means that i have 3 1/2 hours in school. gosh!! soo much time. always planning to do work. study and study and study but in the end....talk and talk and talk. now is the start of my SFP lecture. will be back. ok. I am finally back. i saved my post as a draft you see. anyway, i just had like SFP and OBC lectures. SFP lectures are a bliss. With the oh-so hilarious mrs ong, it really helps lighten the load of understanding all those heavy information. However, it is totally the opposite for OBC lecture. the mere mention of two hours of this lecture can really cause one to feel bored. However, the lecturer - mrs usha and her heavy indian accented english brings about laughter. no offence to indians reading this. oh ya, i was playing bingo with xinyi and 'green monster' at the second hour. but the ever studious xinyi had her eyes on the notes so the game was called off. i think i will go and study now. heh. will be back to post about CO(if there is anything exciting.)

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