Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Monday, May 05, 2008


It is currently 3.35am on a *hopefully* beautiful Monday morning. What is Winston doing out of bed you ask? Well, the effects had worn off and I am left with nothing but myself. Perhaps it was for the best.

For that temporary satisfaction and happiness, I guess it was worth the consequences.

For now, I would just love to get my beauty sleep =)

*oops* I shall post some office pictures. enjoy =p

*Blue Crown*
*youthful Winston* =p
Salad with spicy thousand island dressing
Chicken with BBQ sauce hamburger YUM!

...nearly less than 2 hours, I should wake up
...nearly less than 3 hours, I will board that bus
...nearly less than 5 hours, I will officially start work

Time that has pass and gone sometimes do weird things to you. I call it pay back. Perhaps it was my retribution. Perhaps it was. I shall now hide in my little shell to make my life a little less sinful and a little more meaningful, a little less hurting others and a little more angelic *if that is even possible* I shan't be myself anymore

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