This is a long overdue post. It was a Friday. My dental appointment with my orthodontist (I used to wear braces). After my appointment, it was a trip to the
National Museum of Singapore. For students, ticket price was a mere
$4 and to view the History of Singapore you just top up
$1. How's that for making my money worthwhile. And I spent about
4 hours viewing the artefacts and stuff! Oh, the Greek pieces have been moved back to the Louvre =( but not to worry, other great stuff will arrive on the shores of Singapore soon =).
The entrance of the GREAT National Museum of Singapore =D

The centre piece of the big hall

The Greek pieces were at the first floor and since I was already at the second floor, why not view the Singapore stuff first. Below would be the pictures.

Me trying to pose (but obviously I failed)

Oh, I don't have the pictures of the Greek pieces. LOL! Kinda missing the point since this is about them. Oh well, when I receive them, I will upload to
fackbook. In the mean time, I shall savour my off days =D. Off to a game of
Wahjong, anyone game?
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