Ever since the exams ended, I have not met up with friends and do things I really feel like doing. Okay, so I did meet up with the peeps on feb 29th but that was after not seeing them for like...1 month? My apologies. You have no idea the importance of friends means to me. Everyone need friends. Who doesn't?
I have been busy. Fine, I admit that I have been quite busy. Not with projects or anything school related, but with work. LOL! Workaholic =X. Not a glamorous job or anything, but a simple, humble (doesn't sound so humble after using the word huh? =X) job: being a cashier at Cold Storage. Weekends are a must to work because the per hour pay is higher (=D) and there are more customers so more help needed.
Perhaps it was my excuse. Perhaps I felt that work could take things of my mind. It sure did. I have not thought of anything silly since. But, as I should know, peace can never last for long; a heavy bombshell was dropped on me. It took a while just to make sense. After a few minutes, a few hours... I realised, it was game-over.
But, all is not lost. As I woke up this morning, I thought to myself, perhaps I was thinking too much (I think I am since I am actually attempting to write this =X) and just let the past stay buried. What I should look for is the future. That was what I believed. Now that not only sad memories were kept, why shouldn't I drown myself in my past?
Because it is not healthy, came the reply. Dreams can never compete with reality and reality is what I live in. Comfort is what we all seek but comfort doesn't come to people who don't go all out to seek for it. Imaginary comfort is only temporary but the comfort that we all (try to) seek for is temporary too, if the unforeseen happens.
So this is the question I ask: Since both are temporary, which would you choose?
Sometimes I cut of my heart strings just so I won't feel hurt again. Sometimes I feign ignorance so I don't have to deal with everything at once. Sometimes I choose to lie through my smiles and laughter so that people won't know how I really feel. Sometimes...
However, I am glad that secrets were revealed and I am happy for you. Why won't I be? =) I truely am. In life, we succeed and we fail. When we succeed, we share our joys with friends. When we fail, we seek comforts in friends again. One person's happiness may be another's sorrow but that is not always the case right? Whoever said that it was a crime to be happy? Just smile =D and be happy!
P.S. Never give up on love =D
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