Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Friday, November 30, 2007


*sighs* Started school at 8am. Ended at 4.45pm. Oh well...Anyway, struggled to do last minute work before the interview with the pregnant teacher. Honestly, I think I am afraid of her. But she does seem okay. Anyway, went to reward ourselves by having 'good' lunch.

Li Si has fried carrot cake. White as she doesn't like it too sweet. I on the other hand had thai fried rice. The portion is huge which is why I ordered it. Kinda uncle huh? LOL. WH on the other hand have salted fish fried rice. YUM!

Next, we went to the microbe lab to see MICRO-ORGANISMS! scary!!!

After that, we had a little break followed by - AIDS talk!

Daniel participating in one of the activities =p

Mdm Zimbabwe

And LASTLY, PBPN lab - it is actually biochemistry. Subject sucks but with such a nice teacher: Mdm KAPANA! She rocks my stinky socks. Anyway, I really think she is nice and she actually made me like such a boring sub =X.

Corrosive reagent

After adding some stuff.

Anyway, thats all folks. I am really TIRED, going to take a nap!!!!

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