Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Thursday, January 01, 2009



A brand new year, a brand new start. Or so it was supposed to be. Plagued by all things negative, being in the negative mood was obviously unavoidable.

Last year (2008), there were few ups; mostly downs. Deep down inside, I'm actually thankful for those that made my life miserable. With those experiences, I grew fighting for acknowledgment and acceptance. Isn't it true that we learn faster when hit with misfortune?

The year passed so fast. One thing let onto another. It got me questioning: Did I change a lot, or was it everyone that stayed the same?

I embrace change and will always do so. Superficially or otherwise, change is inevitable and constant which is why I should and always follow suit. Did I mention I love change?

Thus, my new year resolution should be: Keep changing =)

Faced with obstacles and other hurdles, deep down inside, I believe I will and definitely win. Perhaps with this new found confidence, I shall take on the world. Daring to dream isn't a bad thing after all. However, how do I differentiate reality from dreams?

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