Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Most Polys (with the exception of RP) have FYP/MP.
*Legend: Final Year Project (FYP) or Major Project (MP)
Consist of tons of research, brainstorming ideas, actual hands-on and other miscellaneous must-dos. I was not spared. Together with Daph and Hazel, we embark on a dangerous mission. To fulfil our quest, we have to literally go through the mill and back. Okay, so maybe a little exaggeration but hey, it is true that FYP/MP is one of the toughest hurdle before getting that diploma.

played around with my phone before I notice this 'cartoon' function *winston is suaku*
oops, only daph' no hazel =X *soon la*
my personal space
daph' hard at work

Anyway, FULL STEAM ahead! I shall come out of this battle triumphant =)

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