Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Friday, August 22, 2008

Miss Clarity Cafe

My presence was called for today just to get back 2 papers which I failed one. Yes, I admit, I am dumb. =p
So after that and much waiting, we decided on Miss Clarity Cafe. I know I am quite back dated but hey, I didn't have the time to try with all the projects and Internship. Anyway, honestly speaking, the amount I paid for = the food. Meaning, the food isn't fantastic, but given the price, all is forgiven. =X

Salad Bruschetta

A typical simple-to-do dish consisting of bread+good extra virgin olive oil+whatever toppings you can get (which in this case was salami, tomato, egg plant). My salad was a garden of greens and you can never go wrong with balsamic vinaigrette. HOWEVER, the bread was toasted a little too crisp. Personally, not my favourite considering the crumbs will fall everywhere.

I forgot what this is =X fish I think.
Garlic something with fish =X
Baked rice (not sure about the fillings)
Baked pasta
A slice of triple chocolate
warm bread and butter pudding with a scoop of ice-cream. perfect for any rainy day =)

The mains were a little overrated. Though, for the price we paid, I think it was not that bad. The desserts were extremely SINFUL! The first bite got me elated for joy. Up till my last bite, I concluded that they used too much sugar. Nearly diabetic. One thing about desserts: It should be sweet but not to the extend where it over powers and musks the original taste. Recommended for slacking

P.S. no service charge and there is a 15% off for students ala carte menu (I think is 15%)

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