Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Okay I admit - I have recently become an anime-slut. Anime = LOVE! Seriously, how can non-living/non-reality creations are just so full of live, passion and can be even compared to reality. Such truth...

Anyway, my recent series = AMATSUKI

The opening tune "Casting Dice" by Kanno Youki (or is it Yuuki?) really captured the emotions of this show.

Just to let you get started in case you are interested:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Enjoy! =)

To be part of this dream, is it possible? I have chose to give up without even thinking. Foolish me. Part of me regrets, part of me thinks its a good learning experience and yet part of me feels...its just a dream...a dream that I can never wake up from.
It has been quite some time since that dream reoccurred.

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