Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Friday, August 04, 2006

insatiable appetite

Before I entered poly, life was pretty plain for me. Everything was already planned out by the Government or my family. When you are born you go through play school, nursery, kindergarten, primary and secondary school. After that *dramatic pause* suddenly life is in your hands. After so many years of dependence or following this system, we have to take control of our life. I have never felt more lost then than before. Where should I go? Junior College? Polytechnic? After that, should I further my studies? In the first place, what is my dream career? I didn't know, although we go through the first 16 years of your life, we actually have to think of our dream job. Without knowing will cause all hell to break loose when you have like 3 days to submit your application on where to continue your studies(poly or JC).
After all that drama, I finally got into poly. TP to be exact. Nowadays, I live my life on a day to day basis. Live today for you wouldn't know whether you will still be around tml. I realised that too much planning will cause us to be very rigid. Of cause, if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. We need to plan in moderation. Lets say, we have plan A, B and C. Right now, plan A is working for you. Suddenly, some obstacle get in your way, you move to plan B. A few years later, you bumped into another obstacle. You move to plan C. But what if you meet another obstacle, you have run out of plans. What would you do. Some might say, we should make a million plans before we got started. Is this even possible? Why don't we acquire something called 'adaptability'. This amazing plan will last anyone a lifetime without having to change and change. Why? Because adaptability helps us to get use to new surroundings. Without it, you can try and think of 1000000 plans.
anyway, my life is getting duller by the minute. Need some new excitement in my life. However, I am afraid that this is only possible after the semester exams. Going to hit the books.

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