Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Sunday, June 27, 2010

(Office) Politics

Yes, I can hear your judgement out loud; who am I to talk about politics considering that I didn't attend college (just your average polytechnic student). The thing is, politics occurs wherever you go and it doesn't stop even if your dead, literally (i.e. The living folks arguing about who gets more $$$ and whether should the deceased have a Christian or Taoist funeral etc. The likes.)

It is even more strange to know that politics occur even after enlistment. Strange as it may sound, it is the men that gossip MORE (openly and loudly) than women. Why do I bring gossip it in when the subject is politics you may ask? Well, these two, GOSSIP and POLITICS can never be separated. When there is gossip, there will be politics and vice-versa.

How does politics work you may ask? Well, in every society, there is a hierarchy. The leaders, the middle and the bottom or known as the followers. P.S., I fall under the followers.

In each rung, there are people who dislike one another. Sometimes, people from another rung dislike a person from a rung not from his own i.e. Guy/girl A from rung 1 dislike Guy/girl B from rung 2. When caught in this situation, the 'spectators' from the rungs of the 'affected' few (those who dislike each other), 'talk' or gossip about them. This small 'talk' or gossip spread to the people from other rungs and as the game of chinese whispers continue, the gossip evolve from a ball of fire to a erupting volcano. And there you have it; Politics and Gossip.

You can try to rid society of politics but it will never happen because there will always be juicy gossip just waiting to be told from one person to another.

You know what I am talking about *winks*.

Gossip Boy

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