This is yet another post that I got from my email. Apologies to the horrible translations. The original translation were shocking. Nevertheless, do enjoy =D!
为什么婚戒要带在无名指上 Why wedding rings are placed on the forth finger
请照着步骤做,你会发现上天造人的奥妙 Please follow the steps below. This is really a miracle from God!
Firstly, show your palm, centre finger bend and put together back to back
Secondly, other than the middle finger, place the rest of the fingers tip to tip
Game begins with the below arrangement; 5 fingers but only 1 pair is allowed to split

Try to open both thumbs. Thumbs represent our parents. They can be opened because all human are not immune to sickness and death; our parents will leave us one day.
Please close both thumbs and next, open both index fingers. Index fingers represent brothers and sisters. They can be opened because they will have their own family and thus leave us too.
Now, close back both index fingers and open both little fingers. They represent your children. Sooner or later they too will leave us for they’ve got their own lives to live.
Lastly, close back both little fingers and try to open both ‘nameless’ (the fourth) fingers which we put our wedding rings on. You will be surprise to find that it cannot be open at all. This is because, it represents both husband and wife and they would be inseparable for eternity.
大姆指代表父母 Thumb represent parents
食指代表兄弟 Index finger represent brothers & sisters
中指代表自己 Middle finger represent one's self
无名指代表配偶 Fourth finger represent your partner
小指代表子女 Little finger represent your children
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