Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).
Monday, April 07, 2008
First day at WORK!
As you can see in the above picture, the day felt like it was night. It was barely 6.30am this morning when I took this. I didn't even remember waking up this early when I was going to secondary school. Filled with excitement and nervousness. Felt so nauseous throughout the whole journey there.
When I finally reached there, the sun was rising and the sky finally look brighter. Below are the random pictures =D
Overall, it was a good experience. I do hope that I complete the 16 weeks. I hope I won't be scolded (though due to certain circumstances I think I will be...soon), I hope that I won't be ostracize by my colleagues there. Time to catch up on my beauty sleep =D Have a great day ahead!!!
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