Personally, I ordered Bread and Butter pudding. A traditional, old-fashioned choice for a dessert. Hoping it will fill my almost famished tummy after a few days without lunch =X. By the way, that Bread and Butter pudding cost me $3. Though I wouldn't consider that expensive, it was still quite pricey for something that consist of just bread and butter. BUT, due to ingredients such as dried cranberries, pistachios and a side sauce that was bitter (to complement the sweet pudding) I guess $3 is fine. *don't blame me, I'm an uncle at heart =X*
The main point is: I wasn't satisfied. Why? Bread and Butter pudding has to be eaten warm or hot. At what temperature it was served to me? - below room temperature. Disappointed. There was a thin layer of gelatin which is really fine to me but honestly, I think they added the gelatin to give that shine to the pudding. When I tried to scoop a spoonful, I had so much difficulty trying to break the pudding. OMG! Some recipes or rather most recipes for Bread and Butter pudding uses stale bread. I guess either the bread they use is extremely stale, or it is really hard/firm/tough bread they used.
I really like the presentation of the food but when it comes to taste...A big NO-NO. On the scale of 1 to 5, this only gets 1.5 - 1 because the cutlery they used is nice =X and 0.5 for the coldness (the weather was really hot today) though contradicting to what I said '...has to be eaten warm/hot' =X But hey, at least they get 1.5! I am not that mean to give zero, though I think they do deserve it =X!!!
Wondering how these people are able to have balance in their life - Balancing studies and work. My life would be reaching the turning point soon. I will put in the best and utmost effort in everything. However, there are some things where they can't be forced. 免强是没有幸福. Whatever happens, I will clench my teeth and move on.
Sometimes we wish there is more than 24 hours in a day. But as I was typing this, have we ever consider if we talk less on the phone or use less of the internet, would we squeeze out some time from there?
I took a bite of the chocolate and savour the praline goodness and let the warmth of my mouth to melt the cocoa butter that gives that buttery goodness. As the sweetness is savoured, it remind me of the good old times I had. People that I have not see, heard, talk and so on, it scares me to know that with each night gone and each morning arriving before I know it, I am growing older. Hopefully growing wiser, mature and filled with wisdom and knowledge. However, as each day come, I fear for knowing that one day my parents won't be here. You may nag/scold but I know you always did everything for me. You may annoy me with endless question and repeated questions that has already been answered, but I know that you are simply human and tend to forget things. Regardless of what happens, to my mummy and daddy,
I love you very much!
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