Anyway, that is about all for lab stuff. Recently had my mane chopped. And now I look slight beng-ish. Those who have seen me in school knows what I am talking about. For those who didn't, wait for the next picture upload.
Easily distracted, lost in my own world.
So many pressures that surround me.
One after another. Never ending.
I was always afraid...afraid of allowing people to enter my inner circle.
yet, without those people, or friends as we call them, life would never mean the same.
You will never understand how much they care till you lose them.
Lost, the term we use to describe ourselves when entering that stage of no control.
Should I or shouldn't I.
But it doesn't concern me, so should I care?
Some times being lost doesn't sound too bad to me.
Lost. If only I can lose control...of my spiritual self. Releasing the inhibitions that was held back...if only...
A tolerance for everything. However, when reached, things tend to turn disastrous.
No one likes ugly things. The world is full of materialistic people (including me to a certain extent) where only tangible things matter. We never look for things that benefit us in the long run.
Lost. When I do, please run, for my wrath turns roses to fire and anyone that steps in my way reduced to tears.
However, being lost is just a phase like anything in my life. Once I've regained control, I am back to normal.
Thus, I ask for forgiveness to those I have provoked, hurt (directly or indirectly), gossiped about, made fun of, and all the other nasty things I have done. =(
Anyway, that was just the ramblings of me for the day. If you can't make a connection, it is okay. If you do make a connection, you know me better than myself =p.
TGIF is here! Everyone have a great weekend yea! =p
Easily distracted, lost in my own world.
So many pressures that surround me.
One after another. Never ending.
I was always afraid...afraid of allowing people to enter my inner circle.
yet, without those people, or friends as we call them, life would never mean the same.
You will never understand how much they care till you lose them.
Lost, the term we use to describe ourselves when entering that stage of no control.
Should I or shouldn't I.
But it doesn't concern me, so should I care?
Some times being lost doesn't sound too bad to me.
Lost. If only I can lose control...of my spiritual self. Releasing the inhibitions that was held back...if only...
A tolerance for everything. However, when reached, things tend to turn disastrous.
No one likes ugly things. The world is full of materialistic people (including me to a certain extent) where only tangible things matter. We never look for things that benefit us in the long run.
Lost. When I do, please run, for my wrath turns roses to fire and anyone that steps in my way reduced to tears.
However, being lost is just a phase like anything in my life. Once I've regained control, I am back to normal.
Thus, I ask for forgiveness to those I have provoked, hurt (directly or indirectly), gossiped about, made fun of, and all the other nasty things I have done. =(
Anyway, that was just the ramblings of me for the day. If you can't make a connection, it is okay. If you do make a connection, you know me better than myself =p.
TGIF is here! Everyone have a great weekend yea! =p
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