Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).

Friday, November 30, 2007


*sighs* Started school at 8am. Ended at 4.45pm. Oh well...Anyway, struggled to do last minute work before the interview with the pregnant teacher. Honestly, I think I am afraid of her. But she does seem okay. Anyway, went to reward ourselves by having 'good' lunch.

Li Si has fried carrot cake. White as she doesn't like it too sweet. I on the other hand had thai fried rice. The portion is huge which is why I ordered it. Kinda uncle huh? LOL. WH on the other hand have salted fish fried rice. YUM!

Next, we went to the microbe lab to see MICRO-ORGANISMS! scary!!!

After that, we had a little break followed by - AIDS talk!

Daniel participating in one of the activities =p

Mdm Zimbabwe

And LASTLY, PBPN lab - it is actually biochemistry. Subject sucks but with such a nice teacher: Mdm KAPANA! She rocks my stinky socks. Anyway, I really think she is nice and she actually made me like such a boring sub =X.

Corrosive reagent

After adding some stuff.

Anyway, thats all folks. I am really TIRED, going to take a nap!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Today was supposed to be a 'FREE' day. There was only a interview of 5minutes with my teacher for my individual presentation. Struggled with it since this morning at 3.30am. Went back to sleep at 6am but woke up near 9am. Flee to school for the meeting that I was already late for. Touch a little on the project, and went back to creating my speech for the presentation.

After presentation, felt so happy =p! Me and AH si posing away!


Locked in,
boxed in
full of fear,
my panic grows manic,
till I can't hear.
In need of reprieve,
so that I can breathe,
remove my fear,
please make it leave.


Everyday I turn up at the spot, watching you.
Though the sun is not in sight, a drop of sweat rolls down my cheek.
With my hand, I swipe it away.
The bus soon arrives and I board it after you.

Today was different.
I missed the bus.
More importantly, I think I miss you.


A farmer inherited his father's land.
Along with his father's tools and equipments.
On his father's deathbed, he was instructed to carry on farming.
Soon, his father died leaving his son in sorrow.
However, sorrow does not feed when hungry and so
the farmer beings to work the land.
Alone, he work the land through the long mornings and late afternoons.
Those are the times when the sun was not at its peak.
However, before and crop was grown/sown,
the land was confiscated as the farmer couldn't afford the rent.


Just some random ramblings for the day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

sweet nostalgia

As usual, school started at 8am. Mom fetched me to school. FPQAP lab session lasted for about an hour or less and was struggling to finish CSAS template for my presentation tml. *sighs*
Anyway, so after the last lesson, headed to Poi Ching primary school to do a little survey. A really big thank you to the teacher-in-charge for Chinese Orchestra and the GO staff. THANK YOU! 谢谢 (xie xie)! terima kasik! Domo arigatogozaimusu! Ko-ma-si-mee-da! Kor Thop Krup! and the list goes on. =p

Being a former CO member, I got to give it to these primary kids to come back to school for practise. And some of them were really cute. Too bad I didn't take their pictures. oh well...
BUT, I did take some pictures of the school. Really cool school.

Thats all folks! Time to struggle for CSAS template and speech!!! aja aja hwaiting!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

OMG - play again

It was a Friday. School actually started at 1pm but due to certain reasons, I had to be in school at 9am. Ended school at 1.20pm. Lab lasted for only a few minutes. So we started our field work. Went to Li Si's primary school. Weather was fantastically hot. Next made way to Tampines Library. And next Bedok where we met this two adorable Korean boys. I am not a pedophile but they are really cute. I think when they grow older, they will be drool-worthy korean hunks like the ones on KOREAN DRAMA. =p

Anyway, went to meet ter and kris. Decided that I need to do some shopping and so I met ter at VIVO. TANGS at VIVO has the most nostalgic oriental stuff. Bought this cute chinese-inspired book and two wine glasses with the cash voucher my daddy gave me. Thanks daddy! =p
Picture in two shades:

And so, after VIVO, met kris at Orchard. Went to the Balcony. Had my red wine again. Tasted better actually. Got a feeling they added water because the red wine had no effect on me. Oh well.

Yesterday, was at ter's place waiting for him. Got kinda bored and the weather was hot so decided to take some pictures. And this is what I took.

In 3 different shades. Cool huh? LOL. Anyway, so we met kris and denise (not penis =X) and headed down for some drinks.

I think the pictures speaks for itself. Hope you enjoyed them!! CHEERS!! =p

Saturday, November 24, 2007

back to work

I know it has been days since I last updated. Anyway, I went back to visit my colleague (on monday) whose birthday was on TUESDAY! anyway, took some pictures. She is slightly older than me. =p.

Workload in school seems manageable. emotions and other factors just makes life a complex road. people that surrounds me, be it friends, recently-got-to-know friends or just people that you see everyday, I just wonder what does life actually mean to them.

Hearing problems is a gift. A gift that can be a curse. It takes a lot of strength to be a comfort to someone, at times at the expense of our emotions. Especially for me. I am very emotional. Very affected by the emotions going on around me. When someone close feels sad, the vibes just get to me, causing me to shed a tear or two.

I used to be stone cold. Innocent and naive, usually pretending to or ignoring the happenings around me. But not anymore.

Now that my tertiary educations is soon coming to an end, I begin to regret... making friends.
It pains me to think that the friends I got to know might not keep in touch due to responsibilities and other what-nots.

Oh well, for now it seems I should enjoy their company till D-day. And when that day arrives, I will try to face it will strength, courage, passion and not sorrow with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


BACK! been quite some time since I last updated. Anyway, these are the pictures that I secretly took while carrying out sensory evaluation. kinda cool.

Anyone up for drinks?

score card.

NUMBERS make me CRAZY!!!

Anyway, that is about all for lab stuff. Recently had my mane chopped. And now I look slight beng-ish. Those who have seen me in school knows what I am talking about. For those who didn't, wait for the next picture upload.


Easily distracted, lost in my own world.
So many pressures that surround me.
One after another. Never ending.
I was always afraid...afraid of allowing people to enter my inner circle.
yet, without those people, or friends as we call them, life would never mean the same.
You will never understand how much they care till you lose them.
Lost, the term we use to describe ourselves when entering that stage of no control.
Should I or shouldn't I.
But it doesn't concern me, so should I care?
Some times being lost doesn't sound too bad to me.
Lost. If only I can lose control...of my spiritual self. Releasing the inhibitions that was held back...if only...
A tolerance for everything. However, when reached, things tend to turn disastrous.
No one likes ugly things. The world is full of materialistic people (including me to a certain extent) where only tangible things matter. We never look for things that benefit us in the long run.
Lost. When I do, please run, for my wrath turns roses to fire and anyone that steps in my way reduced to tears.
However, being lost is just a phase like anything in my life. Once I've regained control, I am back to normal.
Thus, I ask for forgiveness to those I have provoked, hurt (directly or indirectly), gossiped about, made fun of, and all the other nasty things I have done. =(

Anyway, that was just the ramblings of me for the day. If you can't make a connection, it is okay. If you do make a connection, you know me better than myself =p.
TGIF is here! Everyone have a great weekend yea! =p

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Horrible week it was. But thankfully, I made it through. Anyway, don't feel like talking about what happened. Anyway, remembered my promise to keep updating my blog just for the sake of keeping track of my life (not because there is a little spark in me that hopes for more readers =p). Anyway, back to point, at the moment having a slight sore throat and cough which is why lately my voice sounds deep. LOL. sexy huh? Don't really know what to write so I will just let the pictures do the talking.