I finally went to the Cathay building. The newly erected (err...Sounds wrong!) building near Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station. Anyway, the fabulous show that I watched was 'The Devil wears Prada'. So many people claimed it was a fantastic show so I had to go see it for myself. Anyway, it turns out that the show was indeed fabulous! However, the theme wasn't really appropriate. 'The Devil wears Prada'. Supposedly the Devil refers to the Miranda (the chief editor of Runway) who wears Prada but there was only one part where it shows her carrying a Prada bag. And, most of the other accessories of fashion runway were not Prada. You get my drift. Anyway, overall I will rate this movie 4.5/5
Oh, and for lunch I went to Sushi Tei at Takashimaya. The food there was Japanese. Of cause la. Haha. But it taste quite authentic. These are the pictures that I took. And oh, because I had too much popcorn during the show which is why I couldn't eat much when I went to Sushi Tei.

Ain't this cute? heh. Wasabi and sweet sauce.
This is the fried sushi roll. It has cheese in it. Also, it had lightly boiled asparagus which kinda compliment the Scrumptious!
This will be the famous cha soba. Oh, I had a bite before taking this picture. Oops! I wanted to take before eating but it was so seducing that I couldn't resist and after my second mouth full I remember I have to take a picture to share with everyone. The soba was just right. Not so tough and not so soft. A little chewy and the taste was as refreshing as green tea.
This is...I don't really know. I think it is the thing surrounding the scallop. The seasoning was great. It had a tinge of spicy-ness and it leaves you wanting more.
Last but not least, this will be my dessert - Peach sorbet! It was the best sorbet I had. Okay, so maybe I am a little bias. I mean I love peach so anything got to do with peach is fantastic. But this was really good. I learnt that to make smooth and velvety texture for ice-cream or frozen desserts, foamed egg whites are used. As the air is incorporated in it, it thus prevents water from clumping together to form large unwanted ice crystals. As I put a scoop of tantalizing sorbet in my mouth, the moment it touched my tongue, it melts and the flavor of peach stays in my mouth.
Anyway, that will be all for today. I hope I can earn enough so that I can go get more pictures of food to share with everyone!
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