Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).
Friday, February 29, 2008
Today: 29th February 2008
29th February. A date that occurs every 4 years. Reason being that the actual revolution around the sun is 365 and 1/4 days. But as we know it, each year consist of 365 days. So what happens to the remaining 1/4 days? It adds up to a day and placed in the month of February - 29th February.
29. This seemingly fascinating number bears its own uniqueness to me. Symbolically speaking, it suddenly meant more than it used to.
Today was the celebration of Allester's 19th birthday. Given unseen circumstances, we couldn't celebrate it on his actual day. But, all is forgiven =D. After dinner, the peeps (dannyboy, nicole, lisian, 'ter, robin, yixing) decided to go clubbing. I couldn't go. Maybe it was didn't wanna go since I have work in the morning. Sorry guys for being a party-pooper, hope you guys have fun anyway =D.
I walked to the bus stop, with several thoughts running in my mind. Less than a minute and bus 14 appeared. I guess it was a sign that I was just not meant for clubbing =D. Boarded the bus to my seat. Plugged in my music and my mind was left to wander
It was not long before I realised this journey meant more than it seem to. Emotions and memories began to wander back. The experience was exceptional. Through my 18 years, I had never felt something like that. It was seemingly pure, gentle, warm and comforting; Love
Back then, I guess I just accepted what was coming without pausing to savour the moments. But right now, it is just too late. The one thing that I was bestowed was the memories. For now, in them I shall reside.
I stared out of the window, taking in the what was happening outside. It suddenly felt weird to be alone. Thoughts of 2 people, hand-locked and almost inseparable appeared in my mind.
The air-conditioning positioned directly above me, releasing cold air. I felt my hair on my arms 'stand'.
Throughout the journey, I practically had about an hour worth of thoughts...soon, my bus stop came nearer in sight. But, I decided to alight before that. After alighting and much walking, it soon became clear that it was just not meant to be. No matter how much reminiscing or thoughts, nothing will change. It is or rather it was what it was and now it is what it is. Period.
P.S. I did/do and always will love you
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
P.S. I Love You
This morning (1 or 2am), it was raining heavily. I didn't really notice till I was about to hit the pillows. Trying my luck at mahjong - the online one that is; wahjong. It got so many people talking about it. I remembered about a month or two ago, I saw chemical engine. students crowding round a computer playing what looks like msn mahjong. Laughing and chatting among themselves. Good way to de-stress. Only if you win all the time. If not...
Anyway, I figured since I was kinda out of touch with the entertainment world, I decided to catch a movie today. I am not sure if you know this, but the last movie I caught was Transformers. LOL. And since I am not a horror/scary movie buff, I decided to go for something that is so Winston - P.S. I Love You
I am full of emotions. Anger, sadness, bitterness, loneliness, happiness and the list goes on. But most of the time, only one emotion is in control. Lately, it seems that I have no control over my lacrimal glands. Biochemisty =D. Also means my tears. The movie was not predictable (which is good since I watch too many korean dramas but bad since I am a little impatient however that doesn't apply since Daph told me about what happened =D). I guess I just need my dose of funny-yet-sad-and-romantic-but-guy-dies-in-the-end (more of died at the beginning of the show) movie. Overall, it is something you would watch if you are in love, fell out of love, plainly need something to feel (love) or just plainly because you are a romantic movie buff =D. nuff said.
Today marks the day of 'freedom' - my last paper was yesterday and today is the start of my holidays. Tml would be the start of my work. Woots to work as it means the moolas is rolling in but thumbs down for the possibility of meeting nasty Singaporean customers. The eye is on the money baby! =DDD
During my study week, I was stuck on this song - Littlest things by Lily Allen. KOPED from dannyboy's blog =D. The lyrics meant alot to me. Below is just the chorus. Enjoy!!!
Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of you and me
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.
The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only for one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?
Anyway, I figured since I was kinda out of touch with the entertainment world, I decided to catch a movie today. I am not sure if you know this, but the last movie I caught was Transformers. LOL. And since I am not a horror/scary movie buff, I decided to go for something that is so Winston - P.S. I Love You

I am full of emotions. Anger, sadness, bitterness, loneliness, happiness and the list goes on. But most of the time, only one emotion is in control. Lately, it seems that I have no control over my lacrimal glands. Biochemisty =D. Also means my tears. The movie was not predictable (which is good since I watch too many korean dramas but bad since I am a little impatient however that doesn't apply since Daph told me about what happened =D). I guess I just need my dose of funny-yet-sad-and-romantic-but-guy-dies-in-the-end (more of died at the beginning of the show) movie. Overall, it is something you would watch if you are in love, fell out of love, plainly need something to feel (love) or just plainly because you are a romantic movie buff =D. nuff said.
Today marks the day of 'freedom' - my last paper was yesterday and today is the start of my holidays. Tml would be the start of my work. Woots to work as it means the moolas is rolling in but thumbs down for the possibility of meeting nasty Singaporean customers. The eye is on the money baby! =DDD
During my study week, I was stuck on this song - Littlest things by Lily Allen. KOPED from dannyboy's blog =D. The lyrics meant alot to me. Below is just the chorus. Enjoy!!!
Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of you and me
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.
The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only for one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Yi Tian's Bday Outing =DDD
The exams are OVER! Harlow to eating and slacking and real shopping! Though, I would be living in fear over the next week for my results. BACK online. Officially. Time for pictures. Long overdue ones. The ones that were taken during the Yitian's-19th-Birthday-outing =D
P.S. Any TAK-glamness, please forgive me (first 4 pictures). HAHA =DDD

Honestly, I don't remember the place that we had our dinner at. Just that it was a pretty ATAS place and I saw quite a few ANG MO or working class people; I felt that we were misfits. Oh well, I am sure I lend my FABULOUS-NESS to the restaurant. I mean HARLOW, this is Winston we are talking about. =X I can visualize a lot of vomit on your screens as you continue reading my nonsensical rubbish.
Well, nothing much to say, just that you, CHEN YITIAN are officially 19. And you have another 355 days to enjoy before...the big 20 =D!!!
P.S. I enjoy being young =D
P.S. Any TAK-glamness, please forgive me (first 4 pictures). HAHA =DDD
Honestly, I don't remember the place that we had our dinner at. Just that it was a pretty ATAS place and I saw quite a few ANG MO or working class people; I felt that we were misfits. Oh well, I am sure I lend my FABULOUS-NESS to the restaurant. I mean HARLOW, this is Winston we are talking about. =X I can visualize a lot of vomit on your screens as you continue reading my nonsensical rubbish.
Well, nothing much to say, just that you, CHEN YITIAN are officially 19. And you have another 355 days to enjoy before...the big 20 =D!!!
P.S. I enjoy being young =D
Friday, February 22, 2008
Smoking kills
I know what you are thinking. Why is Winston still using the damn com when he is not supposed to? LOL. I believe that when your mind wanders away from studying, take a break. There is absolutely no point in forcing yourself. However, if I do not force myself to continue studying, I might just fail =X
Anyway, I was just surfing the net and stuff when 'ter told me of this video
Do you remember this? The one that got most Singaporeans talking that it was so scary? Well, it is really scary and I did not believe that this wasn't real. How dumb can I be? HAHA.
I don't condone smoking but I don't like it either. I have friends who smoke but as long as the wind doesn't blow in my face, I am quite nonchalant about it.
Now, for something funny =D. The next video was introduced by bo.
"Look at my cane and look where I stick it" "It was in my pants, who wants to lick it"
OOPS! M18 stuff. If you are offended, my apologizes. It was just for entertainment.
Anyway, I was just surfing the net and stuff when 'ter told me of this video
Do you remember this? The one that got most Singaporeans talking that it was so scary? Well, it is really scary and I did not believe that this wasn't real. How dumb can I be? HAHA.
I don't condone smoking but I don't like it either. I have friends who smoke but as long as the wind doesn't blow in my face, I am quite nonchalant about it.
Now, for something funny =D. The next video was introduced by bo.
"Look at my cane and look where I stick it" "It was in my pants, who wants to lick it"
OOPS! M18 stuff. If you are offended, my apologizes. It was just for entertainment.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Study Week!!!
If you are reading this, you would have known by now I don't stick to my regimes and aims. Which is why I am typing this. I mean, might as well right, since I am using the net. LOL. So on Monday, I had PBPN revision. Made salad for lunch before heading to school. Mdm Kalpana, you ROCK! =p She made such an impact on me (on Biochem that is) that I decide to give my best for the test next week Monday =DDD

Anyway, today is Wednesday. The 'start' of my revision, or so I was suppose to. =X. Well, I did study from 10.30am - 12.30pm. Time for lunch! =DDD Today, I'm gonna share with you guys my ALL TIME FAVOURITE recipe: Maggi with D.O.M (part of the creator's name: Dom Bernardo Vincelli) Benedictine.
Steps are as follows:
Things you will need: You will need one packet of Maggi (preferably chicken flavour - D.O.M goes extremely well with chicken), some hot (preferably boiling) water and 1 tbsp of D.O.M (duh!)

Step 1: Place noodle in a shallow dish.
Step 2: Pour the hot or boiling water till it covers the noodle (or the amount of water you usually do, depending on how much soup you want)

Step 3: Let noodle stand in the water for a while till softened (also depends on how you like to eat you noodle - semi-cooked or nicely-done).
Step 4: Add 1tbsp of D.O.M. Mix well.
Step 5: Add the packet of seasoning and mix thoroughly.
Step 6: Add dried parsley (optional) and enjoy! =D
Knowing that Maggi isn't gonna keep me full, I decided to make SALAD...again. LOL. So much for being healthy.

Honestly, I am not that healthy. Especially during study week. I just eat and eat and eat. I made hot chocolate, Nigella style. But too lazy to blog about it. Taste was okay but there is a reason why good chocolate cost more than the ones you buy from NTUC. Oh well, I will really finish up on what I have to do. =D good luck for the exams peeps (esp. those from TP) =D
Anyway, today is Wednesday. The 'start' of my revision, or so I was suppose to. =X. Well, I did study from 10.30am - 12.30pm. Time for lunch! =DDD Today, I'm gonna share with you guys my ALL TIME FAVOURITE recipe: Maggi with D.O.M (part of the creator's name: Dom Bernardo Vincelli) Benedictine.
Steps are as follows:
Things you will need: You will need one packet of Maggi (preferably chicken flavour - D.O.M goes extremely well with chicken), some hot (preferably boiling) water and 1 tbsp of D.O.M (duh!)
Step 4: Add 1tbsp of D.O.M. Mix well.
Step 5: Add the packet of seasoning and mix thoroughly.
Honestly, I am not that healthy. Especially during study week. I just eat and eat and eat. I made hot chocolate, Nigella style. But too lazy to blog about it. Taste was okay but there is a reason why good chocolate cost more than the ones you buy from NTUC. Oh well, I will really finish up on what I have to do. =D good luck for the exams peeps (esp. those from TP) =D
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I broke my promise =(
Okay, so I am here, using the computer (duh, obviously) typing this out. I wouldn't have broken my promise if...
Today's paper was at 2pm and I woke up today at 7.30am thinking that my paper starts at 9.30am. Finished my toast with butter and a cup of coffee. Dressed and left my house. Arrived at the bus stop and took out my organiser. This was when I had the shock of my life. Debating whether to go back home (transportation is really expensive =X) or just revised what I have in school. So I decided to do the latter. After revision for 2 hours, I decided that the use of computer was in order. I deserve this break =p. Anyway, was blog surfing when I chanced upon this nonsense quiz. Here is the result:
1 true love, heart broken twice. WOW! Kinda accurate with the heart broken part. Oh well, I guess I resign to my fate of 1 true love. Perhaps I was destined to be single...
Anyway, I shall concentrate on eating and then last minute revision and off with my test! All the best people =D!
P.S. reply to tags
Yitian: thanks yea! good luck to you too =D
Daph: YES! they are from bakerzin =DD simply delicious
Today's paper was at 2pm and I woke up today at 7.30am thinking that my paper starts at 9.30am. Finished my toast with butter and a cup of coffee. Dressed and left my house. Arrived at the bus stop and took out my organiser. This was when I had the shock of my life. Debating whether to go back home (transportation is really expensive =X) or just revised what I have in school. So I decided to do the latter. After revision for 2 hours, I decided that the use of computer was in order. I deserve this break =p. Anyway, was blog surfing when I chanced upon this nonsense quiz. Here is the result:
Your Birthdate: October 7 |
Calm and understated, you struggle to express your love with words. Over time, your partner learns to recognize your passion by the actions you take. You're good at wooing someone slowly, without them even realizing it! Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 2 You are most compatible with people born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of the month. |
1 true love, heart broken twice. WOW! Kinda accurate with the heart broken part. Oh well, I guess I resign to my fate of 1 true love. Perhaps I was destined to be single...
Anyway, I shall concentrate on eating and then last minute revision and off with my test! All the best people =D!
P.S. reply to tags
Yitian: thanks yea! good luck to you too =D
Daph: YES! they are from bakerzin =DD simply delicious
Sunday, February 17, 2008
From today, I will be making a start on my pilgrimage to...STUDY! Yes, I have to give my utmost and my fullest concentration on studying. Which is why, there will be no internet which also means no MSN, no Blog-ing, no Friendster-ing, no FaceBook-ing and other nonsense like youtube, crunchyroll and veoh. Also, the laptop would be in my parent's room. So if you see me online or something, it means I am sidetracking on my pilgrimage. =D But I think I have enough will power to prevent that.
To those who are studying for their exams, Good Luck and All the Best =)))
To those who are studying for their exams, Good Luck and All the Best =)))
Saturday, February 16, 2008
pictures for 15th Feb!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy 19th Birthday Allester =D
Today, 15th February is the birthday of my bestie - Allester. Happy 19th Birthday =D Through the years of happiness, sadness, anger ... may these bittersweet memories stay with you. May you be wiser with your coming of age and of cause, all the good things =D
Also, not forgetting Yitian. How can I forget you. Both friends celebrating their 19th birthday on the same date. May your wishes come true and of cause hugs and kisses to your fabulous last year before the BIG '20' =p
So I got home from the half hour project interview. Felt like making something, thus I embark on the mission of making Chocolate Chip Muffins. The recipe by the none other gorgeous and voluptuous Nigella Lawson =p
The whole process is simple. But cleaning is a B!tch! =X Enjoy the pictures.
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY 'ter and Yitian =DDDD
Also, not forgetting Yitian. How can I forget you. Both friends celebrating their 19th birthday on the same date. May your wishes come true and of cause hugs and kisses to your fabulous last year before the BIG '20' =p
So I got home from the half hour project interview. Felt like making something, thus I embark on the mission of making Chocolate Chip Muffins. The recipe by the none other gorgeous and voluptuous Nigella Lawson =p
The whole process is simple. But cleaning is a B!tch! =X Enjoy the pictures.
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY 'ter and Yitian =DDDD
Valentine's Day =D
Happy Valentine's Day to EVERYONE! =X felt super high though I am not celebrating with anyone. Oh well. It marks the 18th year of being single. Kinda proud of it. =D Went out to celebrate good times with old friends - KB, Jasmine and Shina. Place is Blue Jazz...again. Let the pictures tell the fabulous STORY! =DDD

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
OMG! Today was like the last AdFS (basically is about food science) Lab is over. Kinda sad cause Lab can be fun (with me la =X) yet kinda happy because I really HATE the nonsense we do during Lab.
Anyway, today's Lab was on texture. The firmness and springiness of different types of bread. The types include, fresh, stale (expired after 1 day), refrigerated and frozen (then thawed). We had to taste them and analyze them but for the machine used, I have no pictures. Why? Dr Lee was there. Didn't know about his attitude towards using mobile phones in class which was why I didn't dare take the risk.
So lo and behold for the nonsensical pictures =p

Anyway, today's Lab was on texture. The firmness and springiness of different types of bread. The types include, fresh, stale (expired after 1 day), refrigerated and frozen (then thawed). We had to taste them and analyze them but for the machine used, I have no pictures. Why? Dr Lee was there. Didn't know about his attitude towards using mobile phones in class which was why I didn't dare take the risk.
So lo and behold for the nonsensical pictures =p
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