After a century of decadence at home without updating my blog, I felt kinda weird trying to start this habit again. And before I forget, this is my 50th post! Hurray!
Anyways, I recently went to
Yum Cha last week Thursday with my poly friends. Went to the Chinatown
Yum Cha a couple of times, but only this time did I have the honour of showing you what I had. With the courtesy of
minnie's camera phone. Thanks so much yea.
As you can see, this is peanuts. Supposely to 'open' the appetite.
Peanuts, as we have learn, supposely increase one's appetite. However, we also learn that too much peanuts are not good for the health as the fat content is in the ratio of 2:1 which also means if there were 2 cups of peanuts, the fat content is 1 cup.
The item below is cuttle fish congee.

I make it a habit never to order congee unless I am extremely extremely hungry as the rice they use in making this is glutinous rice and glutinous as everyone know is really really starchy due to high gluten formation blah blah blah so it is really filling. This by the way was ordered by Lisi who should eat more considering she is literally stick thin. Didn't really taste this so no description here.
The ever famous Har-Kao'

Although har Kao is not my all time favourite, it does pack quite a punch when it is made by a skilled dim sum chef. Usually, the skin is really thin yet thick enough to hold the filling which in this case is shrimp and other ingredients. I don't have Dae Chang Geum taste buds so I can't identify the ingredients just by tasting. Anyways, Yum Cha's har Kao wasn't really up to my expectations. Its skin was a little thick but the shrimp was succulent though we have learned that there are 'secret' methods in causing the flesh to be plump and succulent.
Charsiew chee chong fun.

Those people were just crazy about this dish. It is just a dish with simple ingredients - 'fun' and meat. However, having said that, it is not so simple to make this. It does require some steps. The 'fun' is thin but manages to hold the fillings. The sauce smelt great with sesame oil. Garnished with spring onions and sesame seeds. With all this ingredients, this dish is almost too good to be true. The other version (which personally prefer) is the one with shrimp.
Shrimp chee chong fun
And my personal favourite - SIEW MAI with fish roe

Sorry to say, but all the fantastic delights I have eaten, they are not halah. My apologizes to the Muslim readers. Not that I am doing this on a purpose but I have not been able to locate a restaurant that serves Halah fine dining. However, when I do find one, it will definitely make it to the pages of my blog.
The dish above, as you can see is my all time favourite - SIEW MAI. I crave this almost everyday. Those who know me knows I love the siew mai especially from Hong Yun Bao Dian at Bedok. However, Yum Cha's siew mai and the one I usually eat is different. First of all, Yum Cha's has fish roe. Though it does not give much taste, it does make it look pretty. Second, is the added shrimp in the Yum Cha's siew mai. The succulent shrimp combined with the tender and smooth minced pork is just a sinful pleasure in the mouth.
Given all the time in the world, I think I can go on and on about siew mai but I think I will just stop here for the mean time.
This is also one of my all time favourite - FENG ZUA

The name given - Feng Zua. Which also means Phoenix Claws. We Chinese love to create lovely names for our delicacies. This dish is actually chicken feet. It has been braised in a special sauce before it is transferred to a bamboo steamer. Chewy collagen bits and tender meat makes my world go round. With a pinch of chili, this dish is almost perfect.
This was something that thought was nice - Thai style marinated jelly fish

This dish. I seriously had no idea what we ordered this. It was actually a simple dish that is not worth $5. First of all, the onion gives the pungent taste with jelly fish and spring onion. Though delicious, I don't think is worth paying that kind of money.
Mini egg tarts.

Since young, everytime I have passed the PAO shop, I would ask my mom to buy me egg tarts. I have not eaten it in a long time but I have to say that I still remember the taste of it. Now, I prefer the Portuguese egg tarts. It has a nice oven flavour. And the colour seems more natural.
Last but not least, Pai Ku.

Who can eat dim sum and forget about Pai Ku. This dish packs more punch than Feng Zua when it comes to collagen. However, it sticks to fat as well which makes this dish totally sinful. My God! The smooth and soft and chewy texture. The fat that melts in the mouth. Oh my, after this, I have to go on a diet for like 1 month.
Oh ya, we ordered something else but it is not shown here as the ever gan geong me hurried to eat and it was one short of the three and also we forgotten to take the picture. Anyway, the dish is - Xiao Long Bao!!
This is one dish that is a must must must HAVE! The stock in the bao is absolutely marvelous. The meat is well seasoned - of cause. The secret in placing the stock in the bao is to marinate the meat with the stock so when it is steamed, the stock will flow out of the meat and TADA...Xiao Long Bao with stock. And although this may not seem important but there were strands of shark fin. Indulge! But, I don't really think it is real.
Anyway, Enjoy!!