Enough with the cliches. Just plain 'ol Winston =).
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Exciting day
Saturday, July 29, 2006

The first bite was absolutely scrumptious. The spiciness was okay. The egg white gave a soft texture. The various types of capsicum adds colour to the dish and the pasta was soft yet firm. However, after a few mouth full, the spiciness became more intense. Although I love chilli but I can only take a limited amount of spiciness. Overall, I give this dish 3 and 1/2 stars(out of 5). This is what 'ter had - Grilled Dory Fish. Looks much more delicious than mine(mine is more ex)
I didn't try the fish but going by looks, I think it was quite fresh. The fish looks nicely done. Soft and a little flaky but moist. The potato waffles taste absolutely marvelous. The batter that they used was simply fabulous. It wasn't very greasy and the The original potato taste was retained. Also, I think it had a tinged of chilli. It tasted some what similar like Long John fries just that this had that certain 'oomph' that I can't describe. Over all, I will give this dish 4 stars(out of 5).
Anyway, so after dinner, we took a walk to Cold Storage to stall time before heading down to the oh so delicious Cheesecake Cafe. When we finally arrived there, we were quite shocked as there were so many people there. It goes to show that it is a really good cafe. Anyway, I ordered TIRAMISU. As u can see from the picture below, it looks simply gorgeous!
When I took my first mouth full, I felt that I was in heaven. The cake was light yet creamy. The coffee flavour just melt right on the tongue as the flavour swirled around my mouth. It was simply divine. The chocolate powder on the top of the cake totally complemented the cake. It didn't fall everywhere. I will give it 4 stars(out of five).
Anyway, this is all I had for my dinner yesterday. I got to go for now. Going to grocery shopping with my mommy. Going to buy ingredients for the fabulous dinner that I will whipped up tml. Did I mention that my parents will be going to Malaysia to eat durian. INDEPENDENCE!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
feeling bored
1. "Fine" This is the word women use at the end of any argument when they feel they are right but can't stand to hear you argue any longer. It means that you should shut up. (NEVER use "fine" to describe how she looks. This will cause you to have one of those arguments.)
2. "Five minutes" This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so women feel that it's an even trade.
3. "Nothing" Nothing" means something and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with the word "Fine."
4. "Go Ahead" (with raised eyebrows) This is NOT permission; it's a dare! If you mistake it for permission, the result will be the woman will get upset over "Nothing" and you'll have a "five-minute" discussion that will end with the word "Fine."
5. "Go Ahead" (normal eyebrows) This is NOT permission, either. It means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care." You will get a raised eyebrow "Go Ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine" and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.
6. "Loud Sigh" This is not actually a word, but is still often a verbal statement. Very frequently misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are a complete idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing!."
7. "Soft Sigh" Again, not a word, but a verbal statement. "Soft Sighs" are one of the few things that some men actually understand. It means she is momentarily content. Your best bet is to not move or breathe in the hope that the moment will last a bit longer.
8. "Oh" This word -- followed by any statement - is trouble. Example; "Oh, let me get that". Or, "Oh, I talked to him about what you were doing last night. "If she says "Oh" before a statement, run, do not walk, to the nearest exit. She will tell you that she is "Fine" when she is done tossing your clothes out the window, but do not expect her to talk to you for at least two days.("Oh" as the lead to a sentence usually signifies that you are caught in a lie. Do not try to lie more to get out of it, or you will get a raised eyebrow "Go ahead," sometimes followed by acts so unspeakable that I can't bring myself to write about them.
9. "That's Okay" This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can say to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding what the penalty will be for whatever you have done. "That's Okay" is often used with the word "Fine" and in conjunction with a raised eyebrow "Go Ahead." Once she has had time to plan it out, you are in for some mighty big trouble.
10. "Please Do" This is not a statement, it is an offer. The woman is giving you the chance to come up with an excuse for what you have done. In other words, a chance to get yourself into even more trouble. If you handle this correctly, you shouldn't get a "That's Okay."
11. "Thanks" The woman is thanking you. Don't faint and don't look for hidden meaning. Just say "you're welcome."
12. "Thanks A Lot" "Thanks A Lot" is dramatically different from "Thanks." A woman will say "Thanks A Lot" when she is really ticked off at you. It is usually followed by the "Loud Sigh." This signifies that you have hurt her in some callous way. Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the "Loud Sigh," as she will only tell you "Nothing."
Monday, July 24, 2006
Oh My Gosh!!!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Wins,"meh ar? le yao ngor sek see? aiya. ngor tai mo keen see sek. ngor orh pei le sek ar."
isn't this exciting. lol. Suddenly Cantonese has become a favorite language. I love Cantonese as it sounds classy. Have been having thoughts of enrolling myself in the Cantonese association in Singapore. Woke up a little late today - about 9 plus. Ate breakfast and went to study. Ate lots of nonsense in between my breaks. By the time it was dinner, didn't have much appetite. I had satay for dinner by the way. It was quite nice. I think it was pork. succulent and juicy with the lard that slowly melts in the mouth. Those who are Muslim, please don't get offended by what I just wrote. Anyway, I had pink grapefruit juice(freshly squeezed by me). Thank god I added honey or it will be extremely sour. Anyway, I have loads of stuff waiting for me to do. ngor hoi tok qu.
Friday, July 21, 2006
After that, we went to BUGIS street. It wasn't really appealing at all. So we took bus 12 & head down to SIGLAP to have dinner. I had dinner at The Liquid Kitchen. Apparently I should have read between the lines. The place is called liquid kitchen because the whole menus is practically drinks(mostly alcoholic). They didn't even serve iced-water. 'ter told the waiter,(and I quote)"OMG, I'm spoilt for choice." And this was what the waiter told us,(and I quote)"Would you like to have a round of Tiger?" Do we look that old? Of course we didn't have Tiger. Anyway, this was the drink I had - peach soda. It looks nice but the taste was some what flat.
This is me posing. Actually, I was taken unprepared. lol.
Posing with my drink. lol.

This is the main course that we had. Pizza with loads of cheese, beacons, pepper, chili flakes.
The seasoning that we used.
After dinner, we went to the Cheesecake cafe just next door. It was simply fabulous. The waiters and waitresses there were so nice. Greeted us and everything. Anyway, I ordered peanut butter cheese cake. I took a real long time to finish eating it. The picture at the bottom is the peanut cheese cake. Hope you can see this. The fabulous ambiance isn't good for taking photos.
Blueberry cheese cake. This is what 'ter had.
I had one picture of me savoring it slowly but due to the ambiance, the picture was a little dark. Okay, so maybe 'a little' is an understatement but yeah, the lighting was really bad and we didn't wanna make a scene by using flash. Anyway, after eating all these goodies, it is time for me to snuggle in bed. Nighty!(pictures of all the cheese cakes are of courtesy by cheesecake cafe and pictures of the drinks and pizza are of courtesy by The Liquid Kitchen.)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Salam layi yaki nicole. salam? salammi!!
sanasa sasa sanasa sasa SANASAAAA!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
project runway day!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
ngor mm ji do.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Only fours in school but two hours of lesson.
I am back from school. This is so insane. I only have like 2 hours of school but I have to be in school for 4 hours because the two tutorials that I have are 2 hours apart. Ms Quek wasn't that bad as I expected today. lol. And from my PIPC tutor, Dr Jiang, I learn a lot and understand better although his accent is rather funny. Today, I mainly spent the two hours of my free time at the library(7th floor). It was a rather noisy level. I expected the ambiance to be perfect for studying but it wasn't so. People were talking, laughing, and doing everything other than studying. Okay, maybe not so exaggerating and not everyone there. But at least 80%. Including me. heh. Well, I studied for a few seconds before Wee Luan ask me to help her write the recipe for the potato korokke. I plugged in my mp3 and started listing down the ingredients and procedure. I finished writing about 70% before she saw her secondary school friend(I think). They chatted for a while then Luan waved a hand infront of me to get my attention(I was listening to my mp3). I took out one of my ear piece. Then she asked me to help her friend to do a survey. Luan if you are reading this, tell HER(Luan's friend) about the mistake, it is the first option not the second one. thanks. Anyway, so ya. I did the survey and passed it back to Luan. I re-plugged the ear piece in my ear and continued with the unfinished recipe. Seriously, I didn't remember her friend. It was only after my PIPC tutorial that wee Luan told me that was her friend whom I saw on the bus the other day. Luan also told me that SHE(Luan's friend) wanted her to intro me to HER(the other day). You see, the other day, for the first time, Luan took the same bus as me. Apparently I thought at least there will be someone to talk to me during the monotonous ride. But, under those circumstances - there was a lot of people taking the bus, we were 'separated'. I think she managed to 'be' with her friend while I stood at one corner listening to my mp3...Again. lol. I seem like an anti-social right. pur-lease. ya right! Anyway, I didn't know that Luan wanted me to wait for her so I just walked off to take another bus home. lol. And she(Luan) told me that she felt so paisay cause she said want to intro me to HER but I walked away like I so 'DAO'. lol. Plus, today I didn't know SHE was the one who wanted me to do the survey so I didn't bother. Oops. heh. Anyway, I am quite approachable. Do I have a 'black' face? Only when I have mood swing. Which doesn't really happen that often. Anyway, what's so good about knowing me. And...For the last time, I am not 19!!! I am still in my teens. I am young okay. lol. Is this incident a good thing or a bad thing?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Potato Korokke!

Delicious isn't it? The chicken chop feels glazed and the whole dinner was beyond description. Though simple, yet mouth-watering. I have 3 more potato korokke in my fridge and I think I maybe bringing one two school tml.
Speaking of school, I have only two hours tml and a two hour break in between those two hour. Anyway, tml I have SFP and PIPC tutorial. Hope that SFP tutor won't be so mean and let us the hour pass fast. Thank god it is only 1 hour with her. However, looking forward to Mr. Jiang I mean Dr. Jiang. He accent is hilarious plus he's a funny guy.
Azabu Sabo!

The picture here is the dessert I had - ice cream with milk and chocolate sauce. As you can see here, it is just shaved ice in a bowl with some milk. A drizzle of chocolate sauce. Followed by a swirl of vanilla ice-cream.
It was delicious but not worth the money as I can recreate it at home. However, I will give Azabu Sabo is 3.5 stars(out of 5).
Anyway, that is just about how I spend my day yesterday. Shopping and eating.
Friday, July 14, 2006
no matter what I type here, it never shows
today is Friday and that means weekend is here. personally, I don't think that two days are enough for me to recover from my hectic schedule during weekdays. since GSS will be ending soon, certain shops start their sales late. an example is TOPMAN. so I decided to go shopping on Saturday although I know perfectly well I should be at home studying for the coming quizzes. I always complain about insufficient time but in reality, I have the same 24 hours as everyone. it is how I manage it. my time management skills have never been outstanding. procrastination is what I do best. yes, I admit I am a bummer. I sit my arse down too long. I just need to get up and do something physical like...like...muay thai. yeah. now you're talking. have been wishing to enroll myself but I just cant seem to 'find' time and a place that teaches muay thai. besides, currently, I am kinda broke. lol. oh ya, if anyone reading this know how to contact Cassandra Marie of 4D BDS year 2005, pls tell me. she owes me money. miserable as the amount may seem to some, I believe it is not about the quantity but the principle. a promise is a promise. don't try to run away or throw the responsibility of up holding it away. anyway, I shall not let this spoil the wonderful night I'm having.
Woah! it has been 3 months since I started school. life is much different from being in a secondary school. just that certain rules of attire has been done away and I start school a little later than usual. before entering TP, I thought, there won't be any major tests or huge stress but lo and behold, within 1 week plus of school, I received what we call it 'pop quiz' during one of my lectures. another week or so, my lecture quizzes began. followed by the recent term tests. life in poly isn't much better than secondary school life.
my education back then started with nursery, followed by play school, then primary, secondary and now poly. 3 years from now and I will graduate. get enlisted and go for NS. after that, what's next?
Thursday, July 13, 2006
If u can see this blessed be!
today is fabulous Thursday. and every Thursday morn, after I have brought myself back from 'lala land' to reality and figure out it is Thursday, I will be ecstatic. I look forward to reading URBAN. gosh is it fab. however, if the magazine is like crap, so does my whole day becomes. URBAN talks about the lastest trend and fashion stuff which is so me.
side track. I was walking to an LT when I heard two girls gossiping about me. they were like 'this guy.....see the black shirt he is wearing.....' you might say I am soooo BHB to think people would waste their time gossiping about me but sometimes you just know that they are talking about you. from my side view I could tell they were talking about me and in my course there are very few guys and at that time, I was the only guy there I think. I mean gossiping is not illegal. I admit to gossiping. I mean no one can say they never gossip about someone before. but at least don't do it so loud till I am able to hear it. you can say the nastiest things about me behind my back. I dun give a fuck. but don't do it when I am like one two metres away from you. FYI, I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with shiny vertical line prints and jeans to school.
gosh. I just lurrve to rant off my frustrations. totally feel so much better. anyway, back to topic. in short, URBAN is cool and anyone who loves fashion should, I correct myself, MUST read.
quizzes are here again and I keep telling myself study study study. why can't I instill a sense of self-discipline in me. I need to like lock up the TV and all the other distraction like food. yes, I lurrve to eat and no I am not skinny. I have lots and I stress the word LOTS of adominal fat. I cannot seem to shake them off. someone please tell me how. no point do lots of sit up cause I read what Vinson(not sure correct spelling) said that to have a nice wash-board abs, one has to balance exercise with a healthily low-fat diet. and since I am studying AFSN(FYI, Applied Food Science & Nutrition) I know what is meant by healthily low-fat diet. however, I have this believe that unless food is laced ok maybe not laced but have traces of fat, it will taste seemly delectable and delicious. One example of fat food(however I think the fat is saturated) oreo cheese cake. gosh! my mum just made them like few days ago. I just put on small cube of it in my mouth and this tingle is felt as I slowly wrap my tongue around it. As it melts on my tongue releasing all the oreo and creamy cheese. gosh! I lurrve my mummy! she is simply the best. anyway, as it always happen, after the first cube of cheese cake, follows by a second, third, till......
so there you go, I am definitely not healthy. anyway, I think it is kinda late. will be back tml to post more. oh tml is the start for TOPMAN sales. gosh. have to be there. see ya!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
gosh...am I that OLD?
anyway, tml is fabulous thursday. the dress theme(for my class) for tml is ------- gorthic. I think i will be wearing black. anyway, will be back tml. looking forward to fabulous thursday.....
anyway, now chatting on msn with non sense. hahaha. keep copying ppl's nick then pretend to be them. funny right. lolz